The most trusted lice clinic in South Africa

Established 2011.

Nit-pickers is classed as an essential service and operating by appointment only.

About Us

Nit-pickers is a lice clinic dedicated to the SAFE and EFFECTIVE removal of head lice and nits since 2011.  Our success has been featured on 5FM, Jacaranda FM, Lotus FM, SA FM, The Sunday Times and Times Live, Living and Loving, Child Magazine and Baby Steps Magazine. Countless schools have partnered with the Nit-pickers since our opening and have entrusted us to successfully assist with ridding the school of major lice outbreaks.

Our Services

Many schools have, at some point, requested assistance from either the Dept. of Education or City Health, to no avail. Out of pure frustration, parents typically place the blame and the burden on the schools and the schools are looking to the parents to treat the lice infected children. Adding to this, a large percentage of parents are unaware of the lice problem we’re faced with, or simply fail to detect lice infestation in their children. Nit-pickers provides a holistic service that partners with both the schools and the parents to control the situation – as with academics, working together for the mental, emotional and physical well being of South Africa’s children.


School Screening Ad hoc

All pupils are examined for lice and nits as and when the school requires the service.


School Screening Monthly

All pupils are examined for lice andnits on a monthly basis.


Clinic Screenings

Clients are screened in the Nit-pickers salon.

Lice Clinic Treatments


School Screening Ad hoc

Treatment no longer has to be traumatic for you or your child.


Quick and Easy

One 30 min treatment and a comb out of dead lice & nits is all it takes.


Chemical Free

No harmful chemicals, no wet hair, notreatment product required.



Treatments are done by professionally trained, certified technicians.


Natural Products

Natural preventative products available following treatment.



Post treatment advice to clear thehome environment and avoid re-infestation.

The Facts

Pediculus humanus capitis, is a parasitic insect that can be found on the head and, in rare cases, the eyebrows and eyelashes of people. Head lice feed on human blood several times a day and live close to the scalp to maintain their body temperature.



These are lice eggs laid by the adult female louse at the base of the hair shaft near the scalp. The eggs are firmly attached to the hair shaft , are oval-shaped, extremely small and hard to see. Eggs vary in colour from clear to light brown to yellowish-white. They are often confused with dandruff, scabs, or hair spray droplets. Eggs are usually located no more than 0.635 cm from the base of the hair shaft.



A nymph is the immature louse that has recently hatched from the egg. Nymphs look like adult lice, but are smaller. Like adult lice, nymphs must feed regularly on human blood.



The fully grown adult louse is about the size of a sesame seed, has six legs, and is tan to grayish-white in colour. To survive, adult lice must feed on blood. An adult head louse can live about 30 days on a person’s head, but will die within 24-48 hours if it falls off a person or is removed.

Symptoms, detection and diagnosis of lice and nits

Because head lice and lice eggs are very small and hard to see, a louse infestation is often difficult to detect and diagnose.
At the time of detection, an average infestation often includes only 10-15 hatched lice and 20-30 eggs.

Symptoms & Signs Of Infestation:

  • Tickling feeling, like something’s moving in the hair
  • Excessive itching (for those that do itch), usually caused by an allergic reaction to the bites of the head louse
  • Irritability and difficulty sleeping; head lice are most active in the dark
  • Sores on the head caused by scratching. These sores can sometimes become infected with bacteria found on a person’s skin

Symptoms & Signs Of Infestation:

Head lice and nits are usually most prevalent around and behind the ears and near the neckline at the back of the head. Diagnosis to confirm the louse infestation is by finding a live nymph or adult louse on the scalp or hair, although this may be difficult as adult and nymphal lice are very small, move quickly, and avoid light. Use a fine toothed louse comb to help with correctly diagnosing head lice. Lice Eggs that are attached within 6mm of the base of hair shafts suggest the person may have an active infestation.

Skip The Forms And Have Us Call You


Suite 107
The Ridge Wellness Centre
1 Ateljee Street
Randpark Ridge

082 634 8637

Book An Apointment